Green Light Response

Sample Prayer:

“God, I know I’m a sinner. Please forgive me and make me clean on the inside. I need You to heal the broken places in my life. I believe Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead. I’m repenting of my sins and believing in Jesus. Help me recover and pursue Your design for my life.”

Book a time of discipleship with 7 Commands or the next step.

Yellow Light Response

“You mentioned you need to think about this some more and I think that’s a great idea. When can we get together to talk some more?Book a time of discipleship to share the 1st story in 7 Commands.
“I get together with some friends regularly to talk about life and God. We would love to have you join us.” Would you be able to join us?

Invite them to your life group. Offer to go together if possible.

Red light Response

“Thank you for listening to me. If you ever find yourself in a place
of brokenness, please remember our conversation and that God has made a provision for you through His Son, Jesus.”

Extra Activity

Green Light: Write your own theologically accurate prayer. Consider “A.B.C.”
Yellow Light: Write your response. Make sure to book the next step.
Red Light: Write your response. Continue to connect and pray for that person


Discipleship Tools