About Crosswinds

Crosswinds Church is a Christ-Centered community in Plainfield Illinois, located at the corner of Route 59 & 143rd Street. It is a place where you can discover who God is and live out your faith in uplifting and practical ways. We believe the Bible teaches that we don’t come to church but that we are the church, so we teach our members to have an impact on their families, workplaces, schools, community, and beyond. The church was started by ordinary people who God has used to do great things to show love and kindness in Plainfield, our county, our region, our state, and other countries..

Our goal is not just for you to come and visit us but for you to take what you learn about God at Crosswinds and share that with someone else to encourage them on their journey. God has a wonderful design for our lives, but life can be hard and we live in a broken world. We all need help and encouragement on our journey, so we seek to give people practical tools. These tools not only help them find peace and joy in their everyday lives, but help others to do the same. We are not perfect. The Bible says no one but Jesus is perfect, but we hope you will come and grow with us. We hope you will help us to make our lives and the lives of others better by discovering the hope that is found in Jesus Christ!

Meet the Family

The Great Reversal
Esther 5:9-7:10 | Sun, Mar 02, 2008 | Pastor John Stillman

As a rule, standing out in a world that calls us to blend-in to its value system is a good thing… except in the case of pride. Pride is an internal attitude of the heart that is focused on self – my needs, my hurts, my successes. Pride always, always, always will be reversed (see Job 20:6-7, Psalm 138:6, Proverbs 16:18, and Isaiah 42:8). In fact, like Haman, a great reversal awaits each and every one of us. It’s only a matter of whether the reversal is voluntary or forced

Esther 4:1-5:8 | Sun, Feb 24, 2008 | Pastor John Stillman

Do you stand out as a person of influence? Do you believe that God has put you on earth to accomplish something? Is your heart burdened to make a difference or solve some problem? The truth is: we all are influencers in one way or another. Parents influence children. Sales people influence customers. Students influence their peers. But being an effective influencer is more than just being a persuasive speaker. It involves a process of steps and actions that are providentially initiated, guided, and planned by God.

The Role of the Dice
Esther 3 | Sun, Feb 17, 2008 | Pastor John Stillman

The focus of this chapter is on the hostility shown against God and His people, and how God responds. In this instance, the hostility manifests itself in the pride, attention-seeking, and vengeful attitude of Haman. In the middle of this, God shows His providence in controlling the roll of the dice that sets the date for the massacre of the Jews. As we face hate and attack, we are encouraged to wait patiently on God’s justice by demonstrating mercy.

Miss Persian Idol
Esther 2 | Sun, Feb 10, 2008 | Pastor John Stillman

Do you ever feel like a number, like just another cog in the machine, a nameless face in the crowd? Esther had a pretty face, but no one cared much what her name was. She was just one of 400 girls taken by force to be part of the empire’s machine-like process to find a new queen. She stood out from the crowd, but it wasn’t because of her beauty. Ultimately, it was God’s favor that made Esther stand out in her blend-in world. Remember that next time you’re feeling lost in the crowd.

Esther 1 | Sun, Feb 03, 2008 | Pastor John Stillman

There are a lot of pressures to blend-in with society, to fit in, just “do as you’re told,” and avoid making waves. The opening chapter of the story of Esther tell us that Esther, Mordecai, and their fellow displaced Jews lived in the same kind of culture. It was a culture that applied extreme pressure to fit in and feared the disruption caused by anyone who attempted to stand out. God’s people need to know that His kingdom surpasses every earthly empire and don’t need to be afraid to stand out.

The Kingdom in the World
Colossians 4:2-18 | Sun, Jan 27, 2008 | Pastor John Stillman

Nearly three-quarters of the churches in America are either plateaued or in decline. And this year, 3,500 churches will close their doors for good. Among growing churches, many report no conversion growth, meaning that their growth comes merely by Christians switching their membership to churches with better programs, more comfortable facilities, and greater opportunities to blend in with the crowd. In the conclusion to his letter to the church at Colossae, Paul encourages an outward focus through prayer, purpose, and people.

Living in the Kingdom of Light
Colossians 3:1-4:1 | Sun, Jan 20, 2008 | Pastor John Stillman

We live in a gritty, dirty, dark world. Colossians 1:13 says that in Jesus God has defeated the dominions of darkness and brought us into Jesus’ kingdom of light. The problem is that we still live in a dark world. How do we overcome the darkness? Better yet, how do we keep from being overcome by the darkness? The solution is not religion. It’s not spiritualism or mysticism. It’s not moralism or rules. Those are solutions that come out of a world that is already in darkness. We need a solution that comes from above, not below.

Get off that treadmill!
Colossians 2:6-3:4 | Sun, Jan 13, 2008 | Pastor John Stillman

Today’s message touches on a great area of darkness for many. Spiritual confusion. What is God expecting of me? How can I live a pure life, and avoid sin? How do I overcome my sinful nature? How can I live in a way that pleases God? And here’s the biggie: how can I get off the treadmill of trying to please other people? The anxiety of living a performance-based life just to please others is overwhelming.

Colossians 1:24-2:5 | Sun, Jan 06, 2008 | Pastor John Stillman

Did you make any New Year’s resolutions? Millions of us did. Resolutions to lose weight, quit smoking, change a personality trait, develop a good habit, be a happier person, go deeper spiritually. Resolutions and decisions to change are usually driven by a sense that something is wrong and needs to be fixed. Resolutions often come out of pain and suffering. In this section of Paul’s letter to the Christians at Colossae, he shares how he has resolved to suffer for the cause of the gospel so that everyone could know the mysterious, revolutionary joy of “Christ in you, the hope of glory.”

The Cost of Christmas
Matthew 1:18-25 | Mon, Dec 24, 2007 | Pastor John Stillman

Joseph was a righteous man, an esteemed member of Israel’s tzadiqim. Faced with the choice between his reputation and obeying God, Joseph learned that Christmas came with a cost.

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